SimplyNature PPARS CS-W87 - Who needs?

Diabetes patients
High Blood High Cholestrol people

Poor Digestion
People with poor digestion and assimilation

who engage in physical exercise and/or strength training

People with overweight or obese

People who consume large quantities of animal protein

People who take long
term prescription drugs

SimplyNature PPARs is an elliptical single cell plant. The components and proportion of nutrition are the same as nutrition need for human. It is a fresh water plant with average size of 4 – 6 micrometers. contain CGF (cell growth factor) that promote growth for human and animals.
SimplyNature PPARs contain no harmful substances, even in excess amounts. Rich in PPARs, RNA and DNA, and is, we believe, nature's most powerful adaptogen.
Its combination of nutrients, including the highest combination of chlorophyll and phycocyanin among all known foods, make it the perfect choice for over all health.
Other algae also have rich nutrients, but CS-W87 is the most complete food among all the algae plus the abundant of PPARs.
The contents contains 60% Protein, 14% Carbohydrate and 8% Fat (GLA). It contains a complete spectrum of nutrient to sustain cell life.
SimplyNature PPARs is one of the most nutritionally balanced foods. It has a very high Vitamin B12, concentration and a vegetarian taking PPARs will not have to worry about not getting enough B12 in their diet.
Furthermore, beside having a high concentration of protein, it has all the essential amino acids that are Tryptophan, Lysine, Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Threonine, Phenylalanine and Methionine.
Added to all these SimplyNature PPARs carry much higher chlorophyll per cell than any known plant that assist in the production of new blood cells. It also contains C.G.F. (Cell Growth Factor) and Phycocyanin.
Hence, SimplyNature PPARs is a Superior Cell Food with all the nutrients to support a Healthy Life!! The Perfect CELL Food!
"The data and findings presented above indicate that Crytomonadales is not only the most ideal species of algae containing the full nutrition elements for humans since thousands of years before.
Far better than other species of chlorella and spirulina, but also, recent studies confirm that Cryptomonadales contains the valuable components like phycocyanin and PPARs agonists, both represent the most promising essential nutrition for the 21st century.
It will be a privilege for us to own this precious species of algae. I believe that Cryptomonadales will become the most prevailing health food in the 21st century."
Ih-Jen Su, MD, PhD, Professor and Distinguished Investigators,
Division of Clinical research, NHRI, Tainan, Taiwan (Book Cryptomonadales and PPARs)

Four things that sets SimplyNature PPARs apart from other algae are :
1. It is newly discovered superior strain of 95% digestible algae within 2 hours.
2. A single cell soft cell wall chlorella. It has high phycocyanin / chlorophyll content.
3. Its high natural PPARs content (Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors).
4. Its unique Chorella Growth Factor CGF. C.G.F. is not a single
substance but contains a mixture of amino acids, vitamins, sugars and peptides
particularly concentrated in the nucleic acids of RNA and DNA.
CS-W87 contains 10% RNA and 3% DNA.

SimplyNature PPARs Taiwan Ministry of Health 3 claims approved:
1. help lowering blood triglycerid, help lowering low density Lipoprotein Cholestrol.
2. help blood sugar regulation for Diabetic.
3. enhance immunity cell proliferator capability
enhance macrophage cell activity,
enhance Nature Killer cell activity,
enhance IFN-y cytokine secretion

Appointed Distributor Holistic Way PPARS
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