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Founder Mr Shyan Lim 

Mr Shyan Lim started his career in banking with the prestigious international investment firm Merrill Lynch.  After a successful start in Merrill Lynch, Shyan recognized the potential in the wellness industry and left the banking industry to enter the wellness industry. 

Shyan has been a founding partner and sat on the boards of two international wellness companies, and is the founder of SimplyNature International with support from stalwarts in the industry such as Prof Wang Shun-Te. 

Shyan has a firm belief in healing through natural foods, and has made it the mission of SimplyNature to bring the very best of nature’s healing foods to everyone.


World Renown Researchers and Scientists

Professor Wang Sun-Te

He has been a foremost aglaes researcher, scientist and cultivators for past 30 years.
For decades, he has been searching for a perfect food strain that can truly help people.
His success came with the discovery of cryptomonadales, a unique sub-species of chorella with great abundance of phyto-nutrients, complete spectrum of vitamins, macro-nutrients and PPAR agonist.
His work was endorsed and later supported by the NHRI of Taiwan.(National Health Research Institute)

Dr. Yu-Sheng Chao

He confirms at a Health Seminar Conducted in Philippines that PPARs agonists are effective in the treatment of diabetes. And he confirmed that research has shown that Cryptomondales conatins PPARs agonists.
Dr. Chao is a research director for NHRI, Taiwan. And is a specialist in the area of diabetes drugs.
He has more than 20 years experience as a researcher for Pharmaceutical giant Merck and Co and holds several drug patents to his name.


Dr. Su Ih-Jen

One of the prominent researchers of cryptomonadales is Dr Su-Ih-Jen.

He is the professor in Pathology and recipient of many awards and honors in recognition of his contribution to Pathology research. Dr Su is also one of the key members in WHO and participated in the SARs and Avian Flu crisis. As the director who heads the division of Clinical Research and Disease Control- Taiwan, professor Su has helped us conducted many clinical trials on healing properties of cryptomonadales.

Dr. Henry Lee - World Renown Forensic Scientist


The legendary forensic investigator who is known for finding the tiniest clues.
He has assisted in solving more than 6000 cases, even war crimes in Bosnia and Croatia, suicide of President Clinton’s former white house attorney, Vince Foster, review of JFK assaination and Death of Jon Bennet Ramsey.
He has never testify anything without evidence. After taking cryptomonadales, this is what he says,”Evidence speaks for itself. I truly believe that Cryptomonadales contains high concentration of PPARs that effectively reduces triglycerides & LDL. My health has improved”.

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