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PPARs The Most Promising 21st Century Health Food! 

Simply Nature International, drew on the latest bioscience technology to delivered series product, such as CS-W87

Micro-aglae tablet health food, PPARs tablets, PPARs extract, PPARs Liquid, health care, cosmetics and even health drinks. 

We are the marketing arms of International Cryptomonadales Biotechnology Co.,Ltd (ICBC) Taiwan with the ultimate founding objectives in providing to the general publics the best natural healthcare products for everyone to enjoy great health and wellness daily.

Having the Latest natural solution for lifestyle diseases especially Diabetes, High Blood, High Cholesterol and even Cancer.

We are believers of food from the nature being the best source of nutrients to our body cells.

We strongly believes in FOOD HEALING. We are sincerely educating and promoting FOOD THAT HEALS, especially WHOLE LIFE FOOD. We believe in the love of GOOD HEALTH, most of all Total Health, from head to toe and inside out, as based on Dr. Herring's Law of Cure..

Our Body is our Best Doctor and thus Food is then our medicine.

"Let food be thy medicine"

Gen 1: 29 And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.

​Our Philosophy

Healthy Family

We aim to bring awareness to all the family that being healthy is a family thing. When one falls ill very soon and likely that the rest of the family will follow. SimplyNature is here not just product sharer but will also be sharing with you health knowledge that will help you take serious action to set Healthy Goal in the Family. So always stay tune to us. Be always inform to stay healthy!!

   The Perfect Cell Food


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​​​Contact Us

SG: 345 Upper Bukit TImah Road Singapore


PH: 6762 Ayala Ave, Unit 711 Makati City, Philippines

SG : +65 9759 6745 (text only)

PH:  +63 977 830 1777 (watsapp/viber/line/wechat)

PH:  +63 2 833 5047 (Landline)



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